Earlier this week, we highlighted a significant milestone in the gaming world. This Sunday marks four years since the Xbox Series X and Series S first hit the shelves. Launched on November 10, 2020, these consoles have been at the forefront of gaming innovation, and there’s no better time to look back and reflect on the journey so far.
We’re itching to hear about your standout moments from this Xbox generation. Whether it’s the thrilling launch of a game like Halo Infinite or Starfield, the buzz surrounding the Bethesda or Activision Blizzard acquisition announcements, or even just the day you proudly unboxed your new console—we’re all ears!
Remember when Xbox Series X|S became available? It was a moment of collective excitement, as shared by Panos Panay’s tweet on the launch day. Maybe some of you even recall the spectacular Xbox Games Showcases we’ve been treated to since then. And who could forget the remarkable expansion of Xbox Game Pass, especially the unexpected addition of MLB The Show, a former PlayStation exclusive? It was a game-changer!
There are countless highlights from the past four years—too many to list here entirely. But we’re hoping one or two memories stand out in your mind, and we’d love for you to share them in the comments. Sure, there have been a few bumps along the way, but today, let’s celebrate the victories we’ve enjoyed with this generation of Xbox.
What have been your favorite Xbox moments over these years? Don’t hold back, and share your experiences with us below. We look forward to your stories and reflections.
At Pure Xbox, I’m Fraser, your go-to news editor, keeping you updated on the biggest happenings in the Xbox universe and beyond. Let’s celebrate this fantastic journey together!