Tango Gameworks, the renowned Japanese developer, is contemplating a sequel to their 2023 hit, Hi-Fi Rush.
In a conversation with IGN, Colin Mack, the head of the studio, expressed that although they’re mulling over the idea, there’s no official word yet on whether they’ll pursue a follow-up. “We’re definitely considering a sequel,” Mack mentioned. “However, we’re not at the point where we can definitively outline our next steps.”
John Johanas, the director of Hi-Fi Rush, chimed in by saying, “A lot of our team members have a deep affection for Hi-Fi Rush, which gives us a range of possibilities. We’re in the phase of exploring numerous opportunities.”
At the same time, Project Manager Kazuaki Egashira highlighted what sets Tango apart: its drive to create fresh experiences. “Hi-Fi Rush made waves as a new IP, but if it remains unchanged, it risks becoming obsolete,” Egashira explained.
Egashira also emphasized Tango Gameworks’ commitment to innovation, saying, “Tango is all about embracing new challenges. We aim to keep developers at the forefront while never losing our passion for what we do.”