Masahiro Sakurai, the famed director behind Super Smash Bros., has recently stirred excitement among his followers by unveiling his latest acquisition: the PlayStation 5 Pro. This news has resonated with his fans, who are just as thrilled about the release of the upgraded console.
Lately, Sakurai has been enjoying some downtime following the completion of the recent Super Smash Bros. project. His social media presence remains active, although he recently decided to step back from his YouTube channel. Given the intense pressure he faced during the last stages of Super Smash Bros. development, it’s hard to fault him for taking a moment to appreciate some new gaming gear.
Releasing on November 7, the PlayStation 5 Pro didn’t escape Sakurai’s attention. In fact, he seemed eager to grab the console, making his purchase a day earlier, probably thanks to Japan’s time zone advantage over the US. While Sakurai hasn’t given much detail about his experience with the system yet, fans are hopeful he will share his insights soon.
Sakurai’s admiration for the gaming industry extends well beyond Nintendo. In the past, he has expressed his fondness for games and systems from other brands. His recent PS5 Pro purchase aligns with that sentiment. He has previously praised titles such as Spider-Man 2, an exclusive to the PS5, as well as other noteworthy games like Death Stranding and Sonic Frontiers. It’s evident that Sakurai holds a deep respect for a diverse range of developers and is not confined to enjoying games solely from Nintendo’s platform.
How the new PS5 Pro will meet Sakurai’s expectations is still unknown. The console offers enhanced performance and visual updates for several games, which could delight players. However, its hefty price is a sticking point for many, particularly those who own extensive collections of physical PS5 games and might need the disc drive, sold separately. Without any aftermarket scalping, the financial commitment remains steep, prompting many fans to either stick with their current setups or wait until prices potentially drop.
The PlayStation 5 Pro represents Sony’s latest step in advancing their gaming hardware. It boasts an improved GPU and 2TB of storage, showcasing 67% more compute units than the original PS5 and significantly faster memory. Utilizing AI to enhance resolution, especially for 4K TVs, and advanced ray tracing, it promises an enriched gaming experience. However, without a built-in disc drive or vertical stand, these must be purchased as additional items, adding to the cost.
Overall, Sakurai’s enthusiasm for the PS5 Pro echoes his broad appreciation for gaming across various platforms, reminding us that the heart of gaming spans beyond console boundaries.