In the world of Fisch, players embark on a quest across various islands, on the hunt for those elusive, rare fish. Some catches are exceptionally rare, demanding days of fishing. Consequently, every time you log back into the game, you find yourself swimming from the starting island. Thankfully, there’s a way to bypass this repetitive task by setting a spawn point in Fisch.
Players can find several helpful NPCs in this Roblox adventure to change their spawn location. These characters offer a range of accommodations—from full housing options to just a simple bed. Locating these NPCs can greatly enhance your fishing and resource collection efficiency.
As a newcomer to Fisch, you’ll begin your journey on Moosewood Island. This initial location is your introduction to basic game mechanics and NPC interactions. Moosewood Island remains your default spawn point even as you progress and explore other lands. To change your spawn point, you’ll need to seek out the Innkeeper NPC.
Innkeepers or Beach Keeper NPCs are present on almost every island, with the exception of places like the Depths that have special entry requirements. You’ll often find the Innkeeper near a shack, tent, or sleeping bag; sometimes, they might just be hanging around near the trees, as seen on Ancient Isle. Because of their sometimes hidden locations, players might easily overlook these NPCs. To avoid missing any, it’s wise to chat with every NPC you encounter on a new island.
Once you track down the Innkeeper on an island you prefer, engage them in conversation to find out the cost of making it your new spawn point. Fortunately, setting a new spawn point in Fisch anywhere will only set you back 35C$, and you can change it as often as you like.
Keep in mind, you’ll only respawn at the location you choose when either logging back into the game or upon character death. Using the Mirror will transport you to the familiar default destination, regardless of your selected spawn point.
Each of Fisch’s main islands hosts an Innkeeper or Beach Keeper NPC. You typically find them close to trade areas. Here’s a handy list of all the locations where you can set your new spawn point in Fisch:
– Moosewood
– Roslit Bay
– Forsaken Shores
– Sunstone Island
– Desolate Deep
– Snowcap Island
– Terrapin Island
– Ancient Isle
– Northern Expedition Area
Discovering the perfect spot to set your spawn not only saves time but also enhances your overall gaming experience, allowing you to dive straight into the action upon logging in.