Renowned New York Times bestselling author Matt Forbeck, alongside his son Marty, has unveiled an exciting new tabletop quest rooted in the beloved universe of Minecraft. This adventure, aptly titled “Minecraft: Roll for Adventure: The Temple of the Charged Creeper,” is now open for pre-orders and aims to blend the widely appealing intricacies of Minecraft with approachable role-playing elements.
Despite being published by industry giant Penguin Random House, the game’s specifics remain somewhat mysterious—a typical scenario for major franchise adaptations in the tabletop realm. Adorning the book’s cover are two conspicuous six-sided dice, hinting at its gameplay mechanics. Furthermore, the listing mentions that the gamebook is packaged with four dice, a detachable character sheet, and a reference guide to track adventures, perfect for either solo adventurers or those with a guiding game master, humorously dubbed “your narrator” in this edition.
Players will embark on a journey set in a secluded village besieged by “illagers,” a notorious Minecraft mob that also plays a central role in Forbeck’s prior work, “Minecraft Dungeons: The Rise of the Arch-Illager.” Echoing the classic Dungeons & Dragons quests, your mission involves assisting the stricken villagers by discovering and thwarting the menace emanating from the Temple of the Charged Creeper.
Though Minecraft-Dungeons & Dragons collaborations like the youthful-skewing Lightning Keep have entertained fans before, this particular adventure stands uniquely as the creative brainchild of the Forbeck duo. Matt Forbeck’s impressive resume—including notable contributions to franchises such as D&D, Minecraft, Halo, and Life is Strange—bolsters the intrigue surrounding this new release. How it resonates with Minecraft enthusiasts and tabletop gamers alike will be determined upon its official release in July 2025.
For those eager to experience this journey, the hardcover edition of “Minecraft: Roll for Adventure: The Temple of the Charged Creeper” is currently up for grabs on Penguin Random House’s website, priced at $20.