Hideki Kamiya, a well-known figure in the gaming world, has recently voiced his regret over an incident where he insulted a fan on Twitter. Known for his bold and often contentious presence on social media, Kamiya is a celebrated video game director, notably recognized for his work on Capcom titles like Okami, which is cherished for its distinctive art and gameplay. Comparable to the outspokenness of Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, Kamiya isn’t shy about sharing his opinions or hitting the block button on Twitter when interactions turn sour.
Kamiya has made headlines again with the establishment of Clovers, a studio set to follow in the footsteps of Clover Studio—a legendary name from two decades ago. This move back to Capcom caught many fans off guard, coinciding with the exciting announcement of a new Okami game at the 2024 Game Awards. It was a pleasant surprise for followers of the Okami series, which hasn’t seen a fresh installment since Okamiden was released in 2010.
The reaction to the new Okami sequel was overwhelmingly positive, with fans across the globe celebrating. Kamiya himself took to YouTube, enjoying various fan reaction videos, and encountered one in particular featuring a YouTuber named Skittzipoo. This joy was somewhat tainted when Kamiya realized that he’d previously responded to her with an insult on Twitter. Reflecting on this, he expressed deep remorse, stating, “I want to snap my own neck off…”
Shortly after, Kamiya reached out to Skittzipoo via Twitter, offering a heartfelt apology. “I love this person… I’m sorry about before…” he tweeted. Despite his reputation for being candid and often abrasive online, especially toward English-speaking users who he believes might provoke him, this moment seemed to show a different side of Kamiya. However, true to form, when other fans asked if he might unblock them, Kamiya’s response was less accommodating, often labeling persistent fans as “insects,” and making it clear he isn’t open to reconsidering his previous decisions.
Fans of Okami have something to look forward to with this new sequel, which will dive back into the game’s rich narrative and striking art style. Players take on the role of Amaterasu, a majestic white wolf and embodiment of the Japanese sun goddess, as she battles the formidable Orochi to restore the world of Nippon. With the option to play in modern widescreen or the original 4:3 format, and including beloved interactive loading screens from the first game, Okami continues to charm and captivate players with its beautiful storytelling and immersive world. Since its release on September 19, 2006, developed by Capcom and Clover Studio, this game has securely held its place as a classic in the gaming industry, noted for its robustness across platforms and praised for its art, humor, and narrative depth.