Back in 2015, Dontnod Entertainment introduced us to “Life is Strange,” an episodic and story-driven adventure that quickly won hearts. Published by Square Enix, the original game kicked off nearly a decade ago, stirring memories of its early previews and press coverage. Fast forward to today, and the series has seen multiple sequels. Deck Nine Games, familiar to fans for their work on the “Life is Strange Remastered Collection” and “The Expanse: A Telltale Series,” has taken the baton from Dontnod. Sadly, their latest endeavor, “Life is Strange: Double Exposure,” hasn’t replicated the original’s acclaim.
Currently, “Double Exposure” holds a “Mixed” rating on Steam. Reviewing its feedback, it seems that many fans are disappointed, pointing out the absence of Chloe as a central figure—a favorite in past installments. Interestingly, Chloe is also often mentioned in the game’s positive reviews.
Another point of contention among fans is the game’s advanced access edition. Players were prompted to pay a premium for early access—a three-day head start on this single-player narrative. This move, perceived by some as a cash grab, certainly stirred the pot.
On a brighter note, “Life is Strange” as a series continues to be praised for its intricate storytelling and compelling characters. Steam reviewers have highlighted aspects like the gripping plot, impressive graphics, detailed character facial expressions, and the beloved characters, including Max and Amanda, as standout elements.
Whether you’re a newcomer to the series or a long-time fan seeking closure, “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” offers an experience that captivates many from the outset. Now let’s dive into what gamers are saying on Steam about this latest chapter!