"Krispain Hero VR: Roguelite Dungeon Shooter Simulator" made its debut right at the close of 2023, just a few days past Christmas, without much attention or excitement. It appeared as though Sony’s PlayStation Store had scheduled its release far in advance, only for it to slip through the cracks of their attention. Surprisingly, the game managed to slide past Sony’s typically rigorous quality assurance checks despite several glaring issues being immediately evident. I couldn’t help but question out loud during a stream whether Sony was even aware this game had been released.
Interestingly enough, in that very same live stream, I speculated whether this game might be pulled from the PlayStation Store. It turns out it did disappear, though precisely when remains a mystery. The other anticipated VR games from the same publisher, Midnight Works—namely "Run Or Die VR" and "Spaceship Impostor VR"—also shared the same fate and vanished. Both Midnight Works and Sony have remained completely silent about the game’s release and its subsequent removal.
What really piqued my curiosity was "Krispain VR’s" complete erasure not just from platforms but from the publisher’s own website portfolio, unlike the other two games. Trying to dig up any information about it now feels like an impossible task.
While the video at the end of this article offers a thorough rundown, I know many of our readers prefer the written word over video content. So, let me delve into the game (even though it’s the last thing I want to do right now).
The initial impression when booting up the game was rather unpleasant—the sound was blaringly loud, accompanied by a crude loading image and a rather ghastly menu. It all felt akin to some early developmental phase project cobbled together hastily for a pre-project meeting. As a developer, I could shrug it off, but as a customer who paid for this, it’s hard to tolerate.
I wasn’t expecting this game to blow my mind, but I always try to approach each new title with an open mind. Truthfully, I anticipated something better for "Midnight Works’" inaugural foray into VR, not this mess they ended up throwing onto the store.
From One Negative Point To Another…
As I began adjusting the "music" volume slider to save my ears from further assault, my sole intent was to find some enjoyment in my new purchase. Even bizarre menu spelling mistakes didn’t deter me from getting the game underway. Briefly, there was this moment where everything seemed almost playable. However, the shooting mechanics dashed any hope of enjoyment, with guns that seemed to fire off at random and inconsistently. Frustration didn’t take long to set in.
The gameplay video doesn’t fully capture it, but randomness permeates every aspect of this experience—including your weapons. After a few hours, I admit some of the guns can be entertaining when they work, of course.
The game features three types of enemies and offers two kinds of pickups—ammo and health. Unfortunately, there’s no feedback when you pick them up, and spawning seems intentionally inconvenient. There’s no game-over screen or any indication of your progress, leaving you to guess at every turn.
You can only use “click turning,” and features you’d expect like full locomotion or other comfort options are entirely absent.
On a slightly positive note, the game does offer a platinum trophy and boasts an extravagantly detailed description of each trophy, reminiscent of "No Heroes Allowed! VR."
The Verdict…
Allow me to be upfront: the final judgment on this game is not flattering. That said, I do wish the Moldovan/Romanian studio behind this game well in their continued VR projects. I hope they avoid using the PS Store as a dumping ground in future endeavors. The reality is harsh—this game wouldn’t earn a better score even if it were offered for free.
KRISPAIN VR stands as the worst gaming experience I’ve had in years.
A Little Video Clip…
I put together a video a month after its release, back in January 2024. Since then, the only thing addressed has been trophy syncing on the server, so trophies can be unlocked properly now. This could possibly lead to a coveted platinum trophy, given the game’s removal from availability.
PS: Just discovered "Run Or Die" actually made it onto PSVR2 at some point. Unlike Krispain, it remains on the publisher’s page, hinting that it might see a new release date eventually.
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