Unexpectedly springing from the universe of 2022’s The Callisto Protocol, “Redacted” offers a thrilling twist with its fast-paced, twin-stick shooter mechanics. Set in the dark, enigmatic environment of CP’s Black Iron prison on Callisto, Jupiter’s moon, you dive into the shoes of a prison guard who is not just fighting time to get to the last escape pod, but also battling disturbing, mutant inmates called Biophages.
If you’ve played Hades, you’ll find a familiar rhythm here, and that’s in no way a detriment. Imagine gunning, slashing, kicking, and dashing your way through frantic waves of these grotesque creatures, each level demanding speed and precision in equal measure.
Clearing a room offers you a choice of power-ups that cleverly align with your weapons and abilities, allowing you to imbue them with powerful effects like freezing, burning, electrifying, or poisoning your adversaries. Each new room presents a strategic choice, marked by symbols that hint at the type of challenge or reward that lies ahead.
What makes this game shine among its roguelike peers is the Rival system. A progress bar at the bottom of the screen tracks not only your journey but also that of your competitors. To make your escape, you need to outmaneuver or outgun these rivals, utilizing special abilities to slow them down or inflict extra damage, giving you a tactical advantage before engaging them head-on.
Completing each floor leads to a boss encounter that’s anything but trivial. Failure sends you back to the hub, where you start afresh as another faceless prison guard. Fortunes gathered can be spent here to unlock new weapons, armor, and skills, all essential to extend your survival in each intense 20-30 minute run. Though challenging, the game’s progression hooks are undoubtedly addictive, compelling you to jump back in and push your limits.
Visually, the game elegantly combines its stylish, vibrant comic book aesthetic with Callisto Protocol’s eerie atmosphere, striking a perfect balance. The narrative unfolds through comic strip cutscenes, enriching the story and rival confrontations, adding a distinct layer of finesse to its polished presentation.
In essence, “Redacted” delivers on the fundamental aspects that make a roguelike tick: a diverse arsenal, abilities, and intricate synergies ensconced in slick visuals. The unique racing rival mechanics and random events keep the gameplay fresh and exhilarating. However, its relatively short overall playtime and somewhat underwhelming melee combat nuances hold it back from achieving true greatness in the genre.