How you engage with art—whether as a getaway from reality or a mirror reflecting it back to you—is largely a personal choice. This dilemma seems particularly pronounced among avid fans of sports and video games, unlike enthusiasts of films, music, books, or TV. This creates a unique challenge for journalists in these fields, as they often have to determine what’s deemed “newsworthy” even when stories might seem trivial, simply because not everyone is eager for actual news.
This week stands out as a prime example. Following a highly significant presidential election, our top stories are more focused on gaming developments than current events. Notably, Nintendo has confirmed that their upcoming Switch 2 will support games from the original Switch. In a surprising move, Sega has decided to remove over 60 of its classic games, such as Crazy Taxi, from digital storefronts. These, among other headlines, capture what’s currently buzzing in the gaming world.