Facing a massive, dragon-like drake breathing fireballs at me, I deftly shot arrows while nimbly sidestepping the fiery onslaught. I must say, my evasive maneuvers were on point as not a single fireball touched me! Unfortunately, the wooden scaffolding beneath my feet wasn’t so lucky—it caught fire and began crumbling. At that moment, I was precariously high above the ground. Quickly, I leaped to an unburnt section, spun around, and unleashed my magical powers to seize a chunk of the flaming structure, flinging it back at the beast. It hit perfectly, dealing the final blow. I felt on top of the world in that thrilling instant. However, triumph swiftly turned to amusement as I stumbled over a piece of fallen debris on the platform, which sent my character tumbling awkwardly off the tower to the ground below. I was still alive, though a bit worse for wear. Just another wild adventure in Eternal Strands, a game that’s ambitious and packed with fun, despite its occasional quirks. – Zack Zwiezen