“Dreams on a Pillow” offers players a unique window into the historical event of the 1948 Nakba, a time when approximately 700,000 individuals were uprooted from their homeland due to Zionist occupation. Developed by Palestinian creator Rasheed Abu-Eideh, this game takes the form of a pseudo-3D stealth adventure set in a world where a land full of people transforms into a people without land. However, before diving deeper into this game’s story, it’s worth revisiting Abu-Eideh’s previous work.
In 2016, Abu-Eideh released “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” shedding light on the events of the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza, also known as Operation Protective Edge. This evocative game tells the tale of a young Palestinian girl and her family struggling to survive amidst the chaos of their embattled neighborhood. Though brief, its fusion of platforming mechanics and choose-your-own-adventure elements packs an emotional punch. By 2021, “Liyla” became part of an Indie Bundle Pack, helping raise close to $900,000 for Palestinian aid through UNRWA USA.
Today, “Liyla and the Shadows of War” is available for free on both mobile and Windows platforms. However, back in 2016, the journey to the Apple App Store wasn’t smooth sailing. Initially, it was categorized as “News” or “Reference” rather than a game, due to its political themes. Interestingly, while “Liyla” faced rejection, a title called “Israeli Heroes” didn’t encounter similar challenges on the same platform. Public response to this perceived inconsistency led Apple to reevaluate, ultimately allowing “Liyla” to be recognized under the game’s category after Abu-Eideh voiced his concerns on social media.
Currently, Abu-Eideh is crowdfunding for “Dreams on a Pillow” on LaunchGood, with the campaign open until January 13. The funds will support asset creation, outsourcing, and compensate the nine-person team working on this ambitious project, which is slated for release in the fourth quarter of 2026.