Since Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been gradually sharing exciting details about their upcoming Ayaneo 3 handheld. One of the most intriguing features is its swappable control modules, which offer an unmatched level of customization for handheld gaming. While similar designs have been seen in devices like the Victrix Pro BFG controller, it’s thrilling to see this innovation make its way into handhelds, especially with the addition of durable hall-effect sensors on both the analog sticks and triggers.
Alongside various posts on Twitter and Discord, the company also unveiled a video that highlights different angles of the Ayaneo 3 and its versatile control modules. During our last discussion about the Ayaneo 3 back in November, we discovered that the device will be available in Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U configurations. However, specific pricing details and further technical specifications remain under wraps. It’s anticipated that more information, including pricing, will be revealed at an official launch event expected in “Late January 2025.”
What’s really cool about these swappable control modules is their ability to be inverted, and even the individual buttons are fully customizable. This hyper-modular approach ensures the Ayaneo 3 can cater to a wide range of game genres that use controllers. For instance, fans of six-button fighting games like “Street Fighter” or retro Sega console enthusiasts will likely appreciate the six-face-button module. On the other hand, modules featuring a touchpad will enhance more desktop-oriented gaming experiences, especially with Steam Input.
Without concrete pricing details, it’s hard to say if the Ayaneo 3 will be a worthwhile purchase. Nonetheless, its preliminary offerings appear to be quite adaptable, with some potential for budget-friendly options for users choosing both a Ryzen 7 8840U processor and a 7-inch LCD over an OLED screen. Whether this choice will ultimately be worthwhile remains to be seen until pricing is disclosed. Still, Ayaneo 3 seems poised to compete with the other high-end handhelds expected next year, thanks in part to its distinctive focus on fine, modular input controls.