Back in July, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable made its debut with an Early Access launch on Quest. At the time, it offered just one mission, or ‘chapter’, alongside a few unlockable blades. This initial release was a tantalizing glimpse into the game, with a promise that more content would trickle in over the months. True to their word, developer UNIVRS has now rolled out the ‘Complete Edition’, expanding the game to feature four full chapters.
When we first got our hands on it in July, the game had the feel of a tech demo. It showcased the core gameplay, but was limited to a single chapter and included an endless wave mode accompanied by a traditional scoreboard.
Fast forward to the Complete Edition, and players can now dive back in to experience the richness of the third and fourth chapters, as well as an Epilogue. There’s also an intense battle waiting against an Armored Titan boss.
Another exciting update is the addition of co-op mode, allowing you and a friend to tackle all the chapters together, making for an entirely new dynamic.
With this full release, UNIVRS has hinted at some exciting events on the horizon. In January, they’re planning a ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’, which is being described as a “global challenge”. They’re also planning a free update for 2025, according to the game’s webpage.
Despite our initial impression of the game feeling a bit “rough” earlier this year, it’s clear that Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable has struck a chord with its audience. It proudly holds a 4.5 out of 5 user rating on the Horizon Store as of now.
For those who grabbed the Early Access version, you’re in for a treat with Part 2 being available as a free download. New players can get Part 1 for $8, Part 2 for $12 (with the first part needed), or snag both parts in a bundle for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro, making for an exhilarating VR experience.