In an intriguing discovery, a gamer recently shed light on a hidden piece of dialogue in Super Mario Galaxy that many fans may have missed. Despite Super Mario Galaxy launching on the Wii over 17 years ago, enthusiasts continue to unearth secrets about the game and its characters.
While the Wii is often remembered for its motion controls, it also hosted a remarkable collection of Mario games that significantly contributed to its success. Among these titles was Super Mario Galaxy, a game that revolutionized the Mario series by taking players into space and incorporating gravity-altering planets. A recently highlighted detail about the original game has caught the attention of many fans, even those who have been playing for years.
Gaming Reinvented recently featured a modder named SPG64, who brought a rare piece of dialogue in Super Mario Galaxy into the spotlight. Specifically, this dialogue can occur during missions where players rescue Luigi. According to SPG64, unique dialogue options are available if players interact with Luigi after saving him and then subsequently dying in a mission. The modder showcased these dialogues from missions in Good Egg Galaxy, Battlerock Galaxy, and Honeyhive Galaxy. Moreover, this level of detail extends further, as noted by SPG64 in a follow-up tweet, specifying that there’s exclusive dialogue when rescuing Luigi while actually playing as Luigi.
Since SPG64 shared this fascinating find on Twitter, the post has sparked a wave of comments from fans expressing their astonishment at the hidden dialogue in various galaxies of Super Mario Galaxy. Some even speculated whether there was additional dialogue in Ghostly Galaxy, but SPG64 confirmed that the mission’s mechanics make it impossible to die after Luigi’s rescue, leaving no room for more hidden text.
The rarity of this dialogue can be attributed to the natural progression of gameplay, where most players would immediately collect the star Luigi offers after his rescue. To unearth this hidden dialogue, players would need to intentionally deviate from the typical gameplay by further exploring and dying, a scenario that occurs in only a handful of missions.
Seeing fans continuously uncover these lesser-known aspects of Super Mario Galaxy long after its initial release is fascinating. With ongoing exploration of this beloved game, there’s anticipation for more secrets to surface as players eagerly await the next 3D Super Mario installment, possibly on a future Switch successor.