Imagine plunging into the wacky world of “Smells Like a Mushroom,” crafted by Red Limb Studio. In this unique action title, you step into the role of Carrotado, a carrot on a mission to save the universe from the dastardly Magic Mushrooms. As we delve into our review, get ready for a wild ride through space!
“Smells Like a Mushroom” throws you into a galaxy rife with chaos after being invaded by these villainous fungi. Our hero, Carrotado, is already familiar with the danger they pose, having lost his spouse, a poignant event that unfolds during the tutorial-level prologue. Determined to halt their spread, you can tackle this adventure solo or enlist a friend to join you in local co-op.
The game caters to various skill levels with its difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard, plus an unlockable Nightmare mode. Easy eases players in, offering minimal resistance from foes. Normal is ideal for those seeking a balanced challenge. Hard ups the ante with tougher adversaries ready to exploit your every misstep. Nightmare awaits as the ultimate test, which you’ll need to earn access to by proving your mettle.
A brief rundown of controls highlights their simplicity: the left stick moves Carrotado, while the right stick lets you scout the area. You can sprint with R1, dodge using L1, and interact via the Square button. The X button handles jumping, and the R2 button is your attack command. Switch weapons using the D-Pad, zoom in with L2, and access your inventory with Triangle to keep track of your gear.
As you venture through missions, gathering scrap becomes crucial. These materials allow you to bolster your arsenal—whether by increasing your health, gaining extra lives for retries at checkpoints, reducing attack cooldowns, expanding weapon magazines, or unlocking new combat tools.
This adventure comes packed with a full suite of trophies, including a coveted Platinum. Expect a comprehensive list with 27 Bronze, 15 Silver, and a couple of Gold trophies. Achieving them involves completing missions on diverse planets and hunting down hidden customization items. Unraveling each planet’s secrets is critical, with trophies awarded for uncovering each and all of them. A guide might prove helpful in navigating this.
Published for PlayStation 5, “Smells Like a Mushroom” is available at $24.99. This title is a whirlwind of eccentricity wrapped in an engaging package, promising an entertaining gaming experience.
Note: This review is based on a PlayStation 5 copy provided by Red Limb Studio.