Unlike its predecessor, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the upcoming Rebirth won’t feature any downloadable content (DLC). But rest assured, there’s good reason behind this decision, as explained by the game’s director.
With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, many fans speculated about the possibility of DLC, especially since the Remake offered some to tide us over until the sequel. Recently, director Naoki Hamaguchi shared in an interview with the Daily Star that there will be no DLC for Rebirth. Addressing the curiosity, he explained, “We definitely hear the fans’ desire and those voices asking for DLC. I completely understand it, but I believe the priority for fans is not just additional content. What they really want is the third part of the series, and they want it soon.”
Hamaguchi emphasized, “This is why we’ve opted not to allocate development resources to extra episodes as DLC at the moment. All our efforts are aimed at delivering the third game as swiftly as possible. For now, that’s where we’re concentrating our efforts.” Seems like a pretty reasonable approach!
The Yuffie DLC in Remake served well as a bridge between games. If we were to consider characters from Rebirth for solo content, Cid and Vincent Valentine come to mind. However, I’m not entirely sure how that would play out. Moreover, there’s the possibility that Square Enix might be gearing up for a Dirge of Cerberus remaster, similar to the Crisis Core: Reunion. Fingers crossed for those hoping to see Dirge again!
In a chat earlier this week, our very own Dom spoke with Hamaguchi about the plans for mini-games in the trilogy’s final part. Don’t worry, there are changes in store to keep things fresh and exciting.